Tag: HE

  • Hereditas

    Definition of Hereditas Inheritance. The succession in virtue of civil law rights to the whole legal position of a deceased person. (Roman Law.) Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Hereditas in the Dictionaries, Hereditas in our legal dictionaries, […]

  • He Res

    Definition of He Res The universal successor of a deceased person in virtue of his rights under the jus civile. He might be appointed by will or take ab intestato. (Roman Law.) Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription He Res in the Dictionaries, He Res in […]

  • Heres Fiduciaries

    Definition of Heres Fiduciaries A heir that has a fidci commissum entrusted to him to carry out. (Roman law.) Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Heres Fiduciaries in the Dictionaries, Heres Fiduciaries in our legal dictionaries, Related topics, […]

  • Heresy

    Definition of Heresy An ecclesiastical offence, consisting in the holding of a false opinion repugnant to some point of doctrine essential to the Christian faith. It was formerly punishable by death, but the writ dc haeretico comburcndo was abolished by the statute 29 Car. 2, c. 9, and it is […]

  • Heriot

    Definition of Heriot The horses and arms of a tenant, or, if he were a villein, the best beast to which the lord was entitled by custom on the death of his tenant.Heriot service consists of the right of heriot where the tenant dies seised of an estate of inheritance, and can only exist as…

  • Hermann V. Charlesworth

    Definition of Hermann V. Charlesworth ([1905] 2 K. B. 123). A marriage brokage contract, i. e., the promising for money to bring about a marriage, is void, and money paid under such a contract may be recovered before the marriage takes place.The plaintiff paid the defendant 52 to introduce […]

  • Heaven V. Pender

    Definition of Heaven V. Pender ((1883), L. R. 11 Q. B. D. 503). The plaintiff, a painter, was injured owing to defective staging while painting the hull of a ship. Held, that the defendant who erected the staging had invited the plaintiff to use the staging, and as the plaintiff’s injury had […]

  • Head V. Tattersall

    Definition of Head V. Tattersall ((1871), L. R. 7 Ex. 7). If a contract of sale provides that if the thing sold does not answer to a warranty given with respect to it, the purchaser may return it within a specified time, he may do so, and is not liable for injury occurring to it…

  • Heirlooms

    Definition of Heirlooms Such goods and personal chattels as, contrary to the nature of chattels, go by special custom to the heir or devisee of the owner, along with the inheritance, and not to his executor. A tenant for life may sell heirlooms, and the money arising from the sale is capital […]

  • Headborough

    Definition of Headborough The chief of the ten men who made up a frankpledge ; replaced in the fourteenth century by the petty constable. See Constables Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Headborough in the Dictionaries, Headborough in our legal […]