List of Judicial and Constitutional System e-Journals

List of Judicial and Constitutional System e-Journals in Europe

Here are the Journal titles and ISSN:

Adelphia law journal 8756-3630
Administrative law journal 0826-8754
Administrative law review 0001-8368
Albany law review 0002-4678
Alberta law review 0002-4821
Alternative law journal 1037-969X
The American bankruptcy law journal 0027-9048
The American journal of jurisprudence 0065-8995
The American journal of police science 1547-6154
The American law review 8755-481X
American University international law review 1520-460X
Annual report / High Court of Australia 0728-4152
Arab law quarterly 0268-0556
Asia-Pacific journal on human rights and the law 1388-1906
Australian journal of law and society 0729-3356
Brigham Young University law review 0360-151X
The BYU journal of public law 0896-2383
California courts review 1556-0872
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 1707-7753
Journal of the Institute of Justice and International Studies 1538-7909
Judicature 0022-5800
Judicial review 1085-4681
The judicial review : selected conference papers : journal of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales
Juridical review 0022-6785
Juristat 0715-271X
Justice policy journal 1530-3012
Law and critique 0957-8536
Law and history review 0738-2480
Law and human behavior 0147-7307
Law and justice journal 1445-6230
Law and philosophy 0167-5249
The Law and practice of international courts and tribunals 1569-1853
Law & inequality 0737-089X
Law & policy 0265-8240
Law & social inquiry 0897-6546
Legal issues of economic integration 1566-6573
Legal issues of European integration 0377-0915
Legislative studies quarterly 0362-9805
Leiden Journal of International Law 0922-1565
Louisiana employment law letter 1059-5058
Loyola of Los Angeles international and comparative law annual 0277-5409
Loyola of Los Angeles international and comparative law journal 0277-5417
Maryland journal of contemporary legal issues 1066-9809
The modern law review 0026-7961
National Black law journal 0896-0194
National journal of constitutional law 1181-9340
The Nebraska lawyer 1095-905X
Netherlands international law review 0165-070X
Netherlands quarterly of human rights 0924-0519
New York Law School law review 0145-448X
New York University law review
New Zealand law review 1173-5864
Non-state actors and international law 1567-7125
Nordic journal of international law 0902-7351
Official journal of the European Union. Legislation 1725-2555
Oregon law review 0196-2043
Oxford journal of legal studies 0143-6503
Police studies 0141-2949
Policing & society
Politics, philosophy & economics 1470-594X
The Practical litigator 1047-6261
Provincial judges journal 0709-5139
Publius 0048-5950
Queen’s law journal 0316-778X
La Raza law journal 8755-8815
Report – Institute of Law Research and Reform, University of Alberta 0317-1604
Report of the attorney general for the year ending ..
Res publica 1356-4765
Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos 0716-5455
Revue juridique Thémis 0556-7963
Rutgers race & the law review 1524-847X
SIM newsletter 0169-3441
Singapore journal of international & comparative law 0219-0508
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 0218-2173
South African law journal 0038-2388
Southern California law review 0038-3910
Stanford journal of international studies 0081-4326
Stanford law & policy review 1044-4386
State legislatures 0147-6041
Statute law review 0144-3593
Statutes & decisions 1061-0014
Stetson law review 0739-9731
Supreme Court economic review 0736-9921
Texas bar journal 0040-4187
Texas Law Review 0040-4411
Theoretical criminology 1362-4806
The Third branch 0040-6120
U.B.C. legal notes 0497-2910
UCD law review 0271-6720
UCLA journal of Islamic and Near Eastern law 1536-5107
United States government organization manual 0083-1174
University of Detroit Mercy law review 1058-4323
University of Pennsylvania journal of constitutional law 1521-2823
Utah bar journal (Second series) 0091-9691
The Washington lawyer 0890-8761
Widener journal of public law 1064-5012
William and Mary Bill of Rights journal 1065-8254
William & Mary journal of women and the law 1081-549X
Windsor review of legal and social issues 0838-3596
Wisconsin lawyer 1043-0490
Women’s rights law reporter 0085-8269
Yale human rights & development law journal 1548-2596
The Yale Law Journal 0044-0094



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