Category: su1

  • Plebeians

    Plebeians PLEBEIANS, plẹ-bē’ạnz (Plebs), an order of the Roman people, corresponding to the English Commons. The time at which the Plebeians were recognized as a distinct order in the state is not known; they were at first excluded from almost every right of citizenship. They differed from […]

  • Peace movement

    Peace movement in Europe In the Past A world-wide movement aiming at the abolition of war, more especially international war. While fighting has always been one of the chief occupations of mankind; while ideas of national greatness are largely associated with battles, campaigns and […]

  • The Reformation

    The Reformation was the movement in the religious life of western Europe in the 16th century which resulted in the formation of the Protestant Church. At earlier periods there had been a feeling that conditions in the leadership of Christendom needed improvement and attempts at betterment […]

  • The Reformation

    The Reformation was the movement in the religious life of western Europe in the 16th century which resulted in the formation of the Protestant Church. At earlier periods there had been a feeling that conditions in the leadership of Christendom needed improvement and attempts at betterment […]

  • Inquisition

    Inquisition in Europe The Inquisition was a tribunal or system of tribunals instituted by the Roman Catholic Church for the discovery, examination and conviction of heretics and their punishment by the secular arm. Under the successors of Constantine in the Roman Empire the repression of […]

  • Dueling

    Dueling in Europe Dueling or Duel (from duellum, derived from duo) is a combat between two, at a time and place appointed in consequence of a challenge, and so is distinguished from an encounter taking place without any previous arrangement. The custom of dueling was derived from the […]

  • Concise Law Dictionary

    Osborn´s Concise Law Dictionary in Europe Introduction Since 1927, the easy to read and popular Osborn´s Concise Law Dictionary (1) has provided English students and practitioners a succint guide to the special language of the law, which serves as well as a source of reference. His strenght […]

  • Concise Law Dictionary

    Osborn´s Concise Law Dictionary in Europe Introduction Since 1927, the easy to read and popular Osborn´s Concise Law Dictionary (1) has provided English students and practitioners a succint guide to the special language of the law, which serves as well as a source of reference. His strenght […]

  • Wrong

    Definition of Wrong A violation or infringement of a right. A private wrong or tort (q.v.) is an offence against an individual; a public wrong, an offence against the community. See Crime Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Wrong in the Dictionaries, […]

  • Year

    Definition of Year A year consists of twelve calendar months ; that is, 365 days in ordinary years, and 366 days in leap-year. (1) The historical year has for a very long period begun on January 1. (2) THe civil, ecclesiastical and legal year, used by the Church and in all public instruments, […]