Tag: Finland

  • Principles of European Contract Law

    Principles of European Contract Law (Commision on European Contract Law) 2 25 May 2002 PRINCIPLES OF EUROPEAN CONTRACT LAW TEXT OF ARTICLES IN PART 3, IN ENGLISH CHAPTER 10 Plurality of parties Section 1: Plurality of debtors ARTICLE 10:101: SOLIDARY, SEPARATE AND […]

  • European Caselaw Databases

    JURE, a database created by the European Commission, contains case law on jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters and on the recognition and enforcement of judgments in a State other than the one where the judgment was passed. This includes case law on relevant international […]

  • Constitutional Text: Finland 1919, Amendments 1930,1934,1937,1944, 1947 and 1948

    1930 AMENDMENT TO FINLAND’S CONSTITUTION OF 1919 NOVEMBER 18, 1930 Number 337 Act on Amending 7 § of the Procedures of Parliament Given in Helsinki the 18th day of November 1930 According to a decision of Parliament, which has been made in the manner prescribed in 67§ of the Procedures of […]