Tag: CH

  • Chiltern Hundreds

    Definition of Chiltern Hundreds The hundreds of Stoke, Desborough and Burnham in Bucks. A member of the House of Commons cannot resign his seat, but the acceptance of an office of profit under the Crown obliges him to vacate it, but may leave him eligible for re-election. The stewardship of […]

  • Chirograph

    Definition of Chirograph Anciently a deed of two parts which were written on the same paper or parchment, with the word chirographum in capital letters between the two parts : the paper or parchment was then cut through the middle of the letters, and a part given to each party. If the cutting […]

  • Chirographum Apud Debitorem Reportum Praesumitur Sol U Turn

    Definition of Chirographum Apud Debitorem Reportum Praesumitur Sol U Turn A deed or bond found with the debtor is presumed to be paid Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Chirographum Apud Debitorem Reportum Praesumitur Sol U Turn in the Dictionaries, […]

  • Chose

    Definition of Chose A thing ; a chattel personal. A chose in possession is a moveable chattel in the custody or under the control of the owner ; e.g., furniture, horses Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Chose in the Dictionaries, Chose in our legal […]

  • Chose In Action

    Definition of Chose In Action A right of proceeding in a Court of law to procure the payment of a sum of money (e.g., a bill of exchange, a policy of insurance), or to recover pecuniary damages for the infliction of a wrong or the non-performance of a contract. A legal chose in action is…

  • Churchwardens

    Definition of Churchwardens Parochial officers and guardians of the property of the Church Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Churchwardens in the Dictionaries, Churchwardens in our legal dictionaries, Related topics, Browse topics from the European […]

  • Chasemore V. Richards

    Definition of Chasemore V. Richards ((1859), 7. H. L. C. 349). A landowner has no right to percolating water until it reaches his landThe plaintiff was the proprietor of a water-mill on the river Wandle. The local Board of Health for Croydon built some waterworks which caused so much […]

  • Chattels

    Definition of Chattels (Latin; Catalla, Cattle.) Any property other than freehold land. Leasehold and other interests in land less than freehold are termed chattels real, as they savour of the realty. Chattels personal are moveable, tangible articles of property Browse You might be interested […]

  • Cheat

    Definition of Cheat The misdemeanour of fraudulently obtaining the property of another by any deceitful practice not amounting to felony, but of such a nature that it may directly affect the public at large Browse You might be interested in these references tools: ResourceDescription Cheat in […]

  • Cheque

    Definition of Cheque A cheque is a bill of exchange (q.v.) drawn on a banker, payable on demand (Bills of Exchange Act, 1882, s. 73). The person making the cheque is called the drawer, and the person to whom it is payable is called the payee. When the cheque bears across its face the words…