Powers of the Eu

Powers of the Eu in Europe

See Case 8/55 Fédération charbonnière de

Belgique [1954-1956] ECR 292 (implied

powers; official fixing of prices).

Case 22/70 AETR [1971] ECR 263 (legal

personality and treaty-making powers

of the EU).

Case 6/76 Kramer [1976] ECR 1279

(external relations; international

commitments; authority of the EU).

Opinion 1/91 [1993] ECR I-6079 (EEA

Agreement I; distribution of powers).

Opinion 2/91 [1993] ECR I-1061

(distribution of powers between the

EU and the Member States).

Opinion 1/94 [1994] ECR I-5267 (WTO

Agreement; distribution of powers).

Opinion 2/94 [1996] ECR I-1759

(accession by the EC to the ECHR;

absence of powers).



